Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wish List of an Umar Bhar Befikar

Many a times, we dream of things we want to do in life, but cannot attain them because of situations we call as constraints. Be it a job or money or health problems or any relationship, we never run short of these constraints. Often some dreams remain unfulfilled because people do not have the courage to fight the constraints and make those dreams come true. And to think of that constraints do not exist, how heavenly that would be? You can do anything you ever wanted to do!!

Here are the top 5 things I would do if I am Befikar Umar Bhar – 

1) I’ll quit my job and travel

If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs”, truly said Dhirubhai Ambani. If I do not have any constraints, I would quit my job tomorrow to travel and follow my dream. I’ll sleep in the wee hours of the morning and wake up at midday and let no clock govern my body or life. If I do not have any constraints, I’ll seek my freedom as the first thing in this world.

2) I’ll visit my parents often

Many of us who stay far from our families, hardly get a chance to visit their homes more than once in a year. What kind of life is that, where you do not hold your freedom to visit that place where you grew up in your own hands? Instead you need to take permission to visit those loved ones. If I do not have any constraints, I’ll visit my parents as often as I want and I’ll also visit my sister and even my close friends. What is life without the company of those loved ones?

3) An Abode in Ladakh

If I don’t have any constraint, I’ll build a small house in Ladakh where I can go atleast once in a year to find peace and to be mesmerized by Ladakh’s ruthless beauty. Of course if I don’t have a constraint I’ll probably have a house in Mumbai too, but that won’t pull me as much as the one in Ladakh would. I’ll spend a month there every year, till Ladakh ceases to surprise me, something I don’t think will ever happen.

4) I’ll climb Mt. Everest

When I don’t have any constraints, I’ll travel far and beyond - up the mountains and inside the seething volcano. I’ll swim in the sea and sleep under the stars. And I’ll climb the Mount Everest and see the world from its top most point. Yes, and you would see my name besides the likes of those courageous men and women who had achieved that dangerous feat.

5) I’ll travel to Antarctica

Since I do not have any constraints, by now I have already been to all the continents, all except Antarctica. I would set voyage to Antarctica and as I set foot on the distant land, I would tick off the last continent that many never get to see in their entire life. I would play with the penguins, roll over on the snow and ice, I would do whatever I want to do. For screaming out loud! I am in Antarctica!!!!

To tell you the truth, some constraints should be there in our lives. Creativity and ideas are born out of these constraints. They teach us how to stand up for ourselves and fight for our dreams. Without them life would be life a bed of roses and we would never feel like waking up. And remember, roses have thorns!

Enjoy the IDBI Federal Lifesurance commercial of #BefikarUmarBhar.

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